
6 Years later and doing great on Remicade

I have not posted in this blog for almost 6 years!  Time for an update. For the last two years I have been 100% in remission.  Something I thought would never exist for me. I take Remicade every 8 weeks by infusion and my oral anti-inflamitory drug is Lialda. I also take  Omeprazole  (Prilosec, Zegerid)  for my stomach acid and 5mg of Paxil for Anxienty about having UC. (like with long road trips) but I'm doing so well I'm not sure I need it, but what they hell.. the dose is low and the drug works and is cheap. In 2014 I got Skin Cancer on my bald head.  They had to cut it out. No Chemo and no side effects luckly. Ever since I have been getting non-cancer lesions on my hands and arms that I have frozen off every 6 months.  Usually about 5-10 per visit.  The doctors think that Azathioprin (aka Imuran) caused it, so they took me off that and there has been no problem with me being off it. Remicade has been working great for me for something like 14 years.  I'm lucky

Lialda Bump Helps

In my last post I talked about bumping my dose of Lialda from 3 to 4 and how I didn't feel any different.  Well, I didn't give it enough time.  It did help after about a month or 2. Like anything thing else, sometimes the key to feeling well is to also make sure I watch the trigger foods especially when I feel a flare coming on.  For me that would be anything with Hershey's syrup in it, or instant cocoa.  Starbucks Bold drip coffees seems to be a trigger for me too.  It also doesn't help that they upset my stomach and that may be part of it. Next week I have an infusion and then 4 days later fly to the Grand Canyon for a week.  Just in time for Vacation!  No hiking to the bottom of the Canyon for me.  Hiking always seems to move things along at the wrong time.  This is also why being a Cub Scout Den leader for the last 4 years has been hard.

Not a good month

It's been kind of a crummy UC month for me.  Lots of flairs and still 6 days left until my next Remicade infusion. I went to see my GI Doctor and he bumped me from 3 Lialda a day to 4. That was 6 days ago and I don't feel any different. I'm spending lots of time this month soaking in my garden tub with really hot water.  This seems to calm the cramps. A Friend of my Moms who has Crohns went and got a assemble-yourself Sauna in Seattle for the same reason.   Here is the site: They have a 2 person model for under $999, but I'm going to stick with the garden tub. The company that I work for is changing my health care plan and now I have a 10% copay and HRA (Health Reimbursement Arrangement).  I think that this means that instead of paying $40 per infusion, I'm going to get hit with a huge bill until my out of pocket is used up.  (Out of pocket per year max is $1700 for me)  There is a program called RemiStart that will hel

Camping and Colitis

Well, it's infusion day and I'm heading over to the infusion center in Tacoma, WA at Digestive Health Specialists to get my Remicade. Things have been well over the last year. I'm still on Lialda, Remicade, and azathioprine (Imuran) and they seem to be working well. I have been on a combination of the 3 (Asacol before Lialda) for almost 4 years now. I still see blood in every stool (not much), but other than that it seems stable. I still have to pace myself. I like to hike in the summer, but I always have to visit the bathroom before I do since walking seems to move things along for me. We got a trailer for camping last year so that when we drive 3 hours to a campground I can feel at ease knowing I'm towing a bathroom behind the truck! Sure is nice not to have to hike to a bathroom in the middle of the night to pee!

Lialda working great

I have been on Lialda for over 3 months now and it's working fine without any side effects. When I was on Asacol I always missed at least one does a day. Now I never have to worry since I just take Lialda when I get up. I don't really notice that I'm "better" than I was with Asacol, but it works and I might be better by like 5%. It's really hard to gauge since things change day to day for me and are based on what I eat. (Starbucks is the monkey on my ass) It seems to me that I take it in the morning and it doesn't kick in for a while. I'm tempted to try some Asacol that I have a night and see if it help in the morning. That would be interesting since I have some asacol left over from before I got Lialda.

Diet, Remicade, and dealing with the bleeding

I got an email from Lisa asking me about some of my experiences with diet, Remicade, and dealing with the bleeding. Here is my response: --------------------------------- Hi Lisa, Nice to hear about your story. You are the first person I have ever talked to with UC. I see people at the infusion center, but they have walls between us, so I don’t get to talk to anyone. Let me put you at ease a little. Remicade is nothing. I’m used to the IV now and I actually enjoy my infusions since I get to watch TV for 3 hours without guilt. It’s been 3 years and I have never seen a side effect. If you’re as lucky as I was, you will get to taper off prednisone very soon. One warning.. the first time I tried to taper off prednisone (before remicade) I went too fast and ended up in the hospital. My mistake was assuming that all the “side effects” were from the colitis and they were actually from the lack of prednisone. The taper the 2nd time was easier since I had remicade to help. I’m currently on

Taking Lialda now instead of Asacol

After taking Remicade for a few months I stopped taking Asacol since I thought I didn't need it. After a few months I noticed that my colitis slowly got worse. I told my doctor and he decided to up my dose of Remicade. Since I work for a company that is self insured, I didn't like the idea of my infusions going up an additional $3000 per dose unless it worked. After about 3 infusions it was clear that this was not helping. This was around the summer of 2007. At this point I decided to change doctors and my new doctor gave me a fresh perspective. He increased my dose of Imuran to the max for my weight and put me on Asacol again. It worked! Things got better. So at this point I asked my Dr. to move my dose of Remicade back to the former level and the Dr. approved it. The reduction didn't have any negative effect, so I have stayed at that level ever since. Now about Lialda. I heard about it on TV during an interview of a woman who said she was taking a drug for UC just o

Remicade Approved for UC

I went on Remicade 2 weeks after it was approved for UC and it has been like a miracle! I felt better within 24 hours of the first infusion. Within 3 days my bleeding was almost completly stopped. Within a week I started to taper off my Prednisone. The 2nd infusion was 2 weeks later and it's been a total of 3 weeks now as of today and I feel great! My system is healing and I can't believe how well this has worked. I feel like I am about 80% in remission. I will say that it is 100% when I get off all the drugs. Hope fully in about 3 months. (Slow taper off prednisone where I was at 60mg/day) I have no side effects what so ever. Hope you can get this treatment approved for your UC! I'm getting my life back!